Kari Yuen


Kari is a leading voice in substance use prevention and an extensively trained clinician and licensed school counselor. In her roles, she consistently seeks to understand the unique challenges facing today's youth in our swiftly evolving world and how to best support them.

We are honored to have Kari's profound expertise and insights shape our programs at Prevention Ed.

Kari has dedicated over a decade to global endeavors as a Prevention Specialist, emphasizing the complexities of addiction through a multicultural perspective. This immersion in diverse environments not only made her a sought-after international speaker on addiction but also kindled her passion for educational advancement, leading her to obtain a BS in Psychology, an MA in School Counseling, and a specialized degree in Clinical Mental Health.

Kari's versatile professional journey ranges from groundbreaking roles in Wilderness therapy to her significant contribution as the Director of Programs at the StandUpFoundation. Her dedication to youth mental health was further emphasized during her service as a Mental Health Clinician at the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation Youth Facility in Minnesota. Currently, Kari is channeling her expertise on the Western Slopes of Colorado in collaboration with Momenta Recovery. At Prevention Ed, her deep-seated knowledge and perspectives are invaluable to our mission.

Outside her professional realm, Kari is passionate about seeking natural highs and delving into all things food, travel, scuba diving, snow sports, mountain biking, engaging conversations, music, and, most importantly, cherishing moments with her two children.